Important Notice Regarding Salem Hospitals And Clinics

“Effective Jan. 1, 2025, all Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics’ locations will be out-of-network for Regence members. Members with questions about continuity or cost of care going forward should contact Regence customer service.” If you have a child receiving primary care at Salem Health Clinic and need a new medical home, we remain in-network for Regence…

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Partial Reopening to OHP Patients

We are now taking new NEWBORNS with OHP (PSCS or OMAP) if they are born to a family already established with us. If you have an OHP infant born after 8/1/24 when we closed completely, and you have other children who see us, call us to inquire about switching the infant’s care to us. We…

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Flu Vaccines are Here!

We now have flu vaccines for all ages and insurance types. Call us to schedule your child’s flu vaccine. You may also request the vaccine at any other visit with us, and we can usually add siblings to the schedule just for the flu shot. We are NOT offering the Flu-Mist nasal flu vaccine this…

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Phone Service Interruption

IMPORTANT: PHONE SERVICE INTERRUPTION Our phone system needs some urgent work done on it today; our phones will be down starting at 2:45 for approximately 30 to 45 minutes. The patient portal will be operating as usual.

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Childhood Health Associates of Salem Closing to New OHP Patients

The medical providers and staff at Childhood Health have always valued caring for children covered by Oregon Health Plan in our community. We consider this a key part of our mission.  Therefore, it is with sadness that we have decided to close to new OHP patients, including newborns as of August 1.  Unfortunately, our current…

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Want Good Information on Immunizations?

Immunizations are always a hot topic in children’s health care. We are strongly supportive of universal immunization for all children unless they have a health condition for which vaccines are contraindicated. If you don’t plan on immunizing your children then we are not the best medical home for you. Both the AAP and the CDC…

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Flu Vaccines Are Here!

We now have injectable flu vaccines for all ages. Flu vaccine is recommended for everyone six months and older every year. Ask at any scheduled appointment or call for a shot-only appointment.

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Exciting Changes Coming!!

We are pleased (and somewhat anxious) to announce that we are changing over from our current EHR system to a new product, Office Practicum, that is pediatric-specific. We are confident that our new EHR will help us to do a better job of serving you and your children and in providing the kind of ground-breaking…

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Fall Infectious Disease Updates

There is a lot happening right now in the world of pediatric infectious disease prevention. If you’re confused about what you are hearing on the news, you aren’t alone! Flu vaccines are recommended every fall for all children six months of age and older. We expect to have our first shipments of flu vaccine arriving…

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