Due to critical staffing levels in the medical community, we were forced to make the following changes: both our billing system and Nurse Triage call line had to be outsourced. We chose the most reputable organizations to take these duties over, but we know that change can be uncomfortable, and we look forward to a day when these departments come back under our roof. On the clinic side, we have hired an extraordinary group of Medical Assistants, a new Primary Care Provider, and a former Primary Care Provider has returned to us after an extended leave.
During the pandemic, many adjustments were made to our available sick appointments. This resulted in too many of our patients having trouble getting in to see us and requires symptom based concerns be triaged by our Nurse phone triage prior to making an appointment. We are making changes right now to increase the number of appointments to meet that need. These changes coupled with the addition of two providers should further increase that availability!
In the long run, we hope to return to “business as usual.” Thank you for your understanding during this very challenging time.